Cynhyrchu fideo/Video production

Bydd fideo wedi ei gynhyrchu gan Sgript yn caniatau i’ch menter chi gyflwyno ei gallu a’i gwerthoedd i’r farchnad ar amrantiad.
Ein nôd yw cyfleu rhinweddau unigryw eich busnes ar ffurf lluniau a geiriau sy’n creu argraff, ac yn hawlio sylw’r rheini ry’ chi am eu bachu fel cwsmeriaid.
Mae’n bosib iawn nad oes gan aelodau’ch cynulleidfa darged, ddigon o amser i ymchwilio a darllen am eich llwyddiannau. Ond gallai cyflwyniad gweledol safonol a dynamig, o stabl Sgript, adrodd gwybodaeth bwysig mewn amser bach, gan fynnu sylw cwsmer newydd.
Cewch chi benderfynnu sut i ddefnyddio’r fideo fydd wedi ei deilwra’n unigryw at eich dibenion. Drwy gyfrwng YouTube, neu wefan eich busnes chi; mewn e-bost marchnata, neu ar sgrîn yn nerbynfa eich gweithle a digwyddiadau hyrwyddo. Mae’r opsiynau’n amrywiol ac yn niferus.

Wedi dewis Sgript i gyflwyno gweledigaeth eich cwmni chi, y cam nesaf yw cynnal Cyfarfod Cynhrychu. Gadewch i ni ddeall pwy y’ch chi a pam eich bod chi’n arbennig. Yna, gyda’n gallu gweledol a geiriol, ddywedwn ni wrth y byd pam eich bod chi’n rhagori dros eich cystadleuwyr. 
A video produced by Sgript will enable your organisation to convey it’s values, talents and uniqueness to potential clients in an instant.
It’s our aim to translate your qualities into pictures and words which will immediately capture the attention of those you need to impress.
Contacts whom you could benefit from reaching, may well have little time to spend researching your achievements via the written word. But a dynamic, informative, quality visual from Sgript, could enable you to convey important information in a shorter amount of time, and capture a future client’s attention.
How you decide to use your unique, bespoke produced video is your decision. Post it on Youtube, or on your organisation’s website; send it via e-mail in direct marketing campaigns; play it on a big screen in your company’s reception area or at promotional events. The options are varied and numerous.

Choosing Sgript to present your organisation’s vision, begins with a production meeting. We want to understand who you are and what you’re about. Then we will employ our visual know-how to show the world’s market why you have the cutting edge over your competitors.

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